


Initializes a slab object, i.e. a particular slab tiled along xyz, in


tile_and_tag_atoms(unit_slab_struct, bulk_atoms[, min_ab])

This function combines the next three functions that tile, tag,


This function fixes sub-surface atoms of a surface. Also works on systems

tag_surface_atoms([slab_atoms, bulk_atoms])

Sets the tags of an ase.Atoms object. Any atom that we consider a "bulk"

tile_atoms(atoms[, min_ab])

This function will repeat an atoms structure in the direction of the a and b


As discussed in the docstring for find_surface_atoms_with_voronoi,


Labels atoms as surface or bulk atoms according to their coordination


Calculates the center of mass of the slab.


Finds all unique atoms in a bulk structure and then determines their

compute_slabs([bulk_atoms, max_miller, specific_millers])

Enumerates all the symmetrically distinct slabs of a bulk structure.


Flips an atoms object upside down. Normally used to flip slabs.


This function figures out whether or not an Structure


There are many ways to define a bulk unit cell. If you change the unit

Module Contents#

class data.oc.core.slab.Slab(bulk=None, slab_atoms: ase.Atoms = None, millers: tuple | None = None, shift: float | None = None, top: bool | None = None, oriented_bulk: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure = None, min_ab: float = 8.0)#

Initializes a slab object, i.e. a particular slab tiled along xyz, in one of 2 ways: - Pass in a Bulk object and a slab 5-tuple containing (atoms, miller, shift, top, oriented bulk). - Pass in a Bulk object and randomly sample a slab.

  • bulk (Bulk) – Corresponding Bulk object.

  • slab_atoms (ase.Atoms) – Slab atoms, tiled and tagged

  • millers (tuple) – Miller indices of slab.

  • shift (float) – Shift of slab.

  • top (bool) – Whether slab is top or bottom.

  • min_ab (float) – To confirm that the tiled structure spans this distance

classmethod from_bulk_get_random_slab(bulk=None, max_miller=2, min_ab=8.0, save_path=None)#
classmethod from_bulk_get_specific_millers(specific_millers, bulk=None, min_ab=8.0, save_path=None)#
classmethod from_bulk_get_all_slabs(bulk=None, max_miller=2, min_ab=8.0, save_path=None)#
classmethod from_precomputed_slabs_pkl(bulk=None, precomputed_slabs_pkl=None, max_miller=2, min_ab=8.0)#
classmethod from_atoms(atoms: ase.Atoms = None, bulk=None, **kwargs)#
data.oc.core.slab.tile_and_tag_atoms(unit_slab_struct: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure, bulk_atoms: ase.Atoms, min_ab: float = 8)#

This function combines the next three functions that tile, tag, and constrain the atoms.

  • unit_slab_struct (Structure) – The untiled slab structure

  • bulk_atoms (ase.Atoms) – Atoms of the corresponding bulk structure, used for tagging

  • min_ab (float) – The minimum distance in x and y spanned by the tiled structure.


atoms_tiled – A copy of the slab atoms that is tiled, tagged, and constrained

Return type:



This function fixes sub-surface atoms of a surface. Also works on systems that have surface + adsorbate(s), as long as the bulk atoms are tagged with 0, surface atoms are tagged with 1, and the adsorbate atoms are tagged with 2 or above.

This is used for both surface atoms and the combined surface+adsorbate.


atoms (ase.Atoms) – Atoms object of the slab or slab+adsorbate system, with bulk atoms tagged as 0, surface atoms tagged as 1, and adsorbate atoms tagged as 2 or above.


atoms – A deep copy of the atoms argument, but where the appropriate atoms are constrained.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.tag_surface_atoms(slab_atoms: ase.Atoms = None, bulk_atoms: ase.Atoms = None)#

Sets the tags of an ase.Atoms object. Any atom that we consider a “bulk” atom will have a tag of 0, and any atom that we consider a “surface” atom will have a tag of 1. We use a combination of Voronoi neighbor algorithms (adapted from pymatgen.core.surface.Slab.get_surface_sites; see and a distance cutoff.

  • slab_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The slab where you are trying to find surface sites.

  • bulk_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The bulk structure that the surface was cut from.


slab_atoms – A copy of the slab atoms with the surface atoms tagged as 1.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.tile_atoms(atoms: ase.Atoms, min_ab: float = 8)#

This function will repeat an atoms structure in the direction of the a and b lattice vectors such that they are at least as wide as the min_ab constant.

  • atoms (ase.Atoms) – The structure to tile.

  • min_ab (float) – The minimum distance in x and y spanned by the tiled structure.


atoms_tiled – The tiled structure.

Return type:



As discussed in the docstring for find_surface_atoms_with_voronoi, sometimes we might accidentally tag a surface atom as a bulk atom if there are multiple coordination environments for that atom type within the bulk. One heuristic that we use to address this is to simply figure out if an atom is close to the surface. This function will figure that out.

Specifically: We consider an atom a surface atom if it is within 2 Angstroms of the heighest atom in the z-direction (or more accurately, the direction of the 3rd unit cell vector).


surface_atoms (ase.Atoms)


tags – A list that contains the indices of the surface atoms.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.find_surface_atoms_with_voronoi_given_height(bulk_atoms, slab_atoms, height_tags)#

Labels atoms as surface or bulk atoms according to their coordination relative to their bulk structure. If an atom’s coordination is less than it normally is in a bulk, then we consider it a surface atom. We calculate the coordination using pymatgen’s Voronoi algorithms.

Note that if a single element has different sites within a bulk and these sites have different coordinations, then we consider slab atoms “under-coordinated” only if they are less coordinated than the most under undercoordinated bulk atom. For example: Say we have a bulk with two Cu sites. One site has a coordination of 12 and another a coordination of 9. If a slab atom has a coordination of 10, we will consider it a bulk atom.

  • bulk_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The bulk structure that the surface was cut from.

  • slab_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The slab structure.

  • height_tags (list) – The tags determined by the find_surface_atoms_by_height algo.


tags – A list of 0s and 1s whose indices align with the atoms in slab_atoms. 0s indicate a bulk atom and 1 indicates a surface atom.

Return type:



Calculates the center of mass of the slab.


Finds all unique atoms in a bulk structure and then determines their coordination number. Then parses these coordination numbers into a dictionary whose keys are the elements of the atoms and whose values are their possible coordination numbers. For example: bulk_cns = {‘Pt’: {3., 12.}, ‘Pd’: {12.}}


bulk_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The bulk structure.


bulk_cn_dict – A dictionary whose keys are the elements of the atoms and whose values are their possible coordination numbers.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.compute_slabs(bulk_atoms: ase.Atoms = None, max_miller: int = 2, specific_millers: list | None = None)#

Enumerates all the symmetrically distinct slabs of a bulk structure. It will not enumerate slabs with Miller indices above the max_miller argument. Note that we also look at the bottoms of slabs if they are distinct from the top. If they are distinct, we flip the surface so the bottom is pointing upwards.

  • bulk_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The bulk structure.

  • max_miller (int) – The maximum Miller index of the slabs to enumerate. Increasing this argument will increase the number of slabs, and the slabs will generally become larger.

  • specific_millers (list) – A list of Miller indices that you want to enumerate. If this argument is not None, then the max_miller argument is ignored.


all_slabs_info – A list of 5-tuples containing pymatgen structure objects for enumerated slabs, the Miller indices, floats for the shifts, booleans for top, and the oriented bulk structure.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.flip_struct(struct: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure)#

Flips an atoms object upside down. Normally used to flip slabs.


struct (Structure) – pymatgen structure object of the surface you want to flip


flipped_struct – pymatgen structure object of the flipped surface.

Return type:


data.oc.core.slab.is_structure_invertible(struct: pymatgen.core.structure.Structure)#

This function figures out whether or not an Structure object has symmetricity. In this function, the affine matrix is a rotation matrix that is multiplied with the XYZ positions of the crystal. If the z,z component of that is negative, it means symmetry operation exist, it could be a mirror operation, or one that involves multiple rotations/etc. Regardless, it means that the top becomes the bottom and vice-versa, and the structure is the symmetric. i.e. structure_XYZ = structure_XYZ*M.

In short: If this function returns False, then the input structure can be flipped in the z-direction to create a new structure.


struct (Structure) – pymatgen structure object of the slab.


  • A boolean indicating whether or not your ase.Atoms object is

  • symmetric in z-direction (i.e. symmetric with respect to x-y plane).

data.oc.core.slab.standardize_bulk(atoms: ase.Atoms)#

There are many ways to define a bulk unit cell. If you change the unit cell itself but also change the locations of the atoms within the unit cell, you can effectively get the same bulk structure. To address this, there is a standardization method used to reduce the degrees of freedom such that each unit cell only has one “true” configuration. This function will align a unit cell you give it to fit within this standardization.


atoms (ase.Atoms) – ase.Atoms object of the bulk you want to standardize.


standardized_struct – pymatgen structure object of the standardized bulk.

Return type:
