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Makes sure that N*Var(W) = 1 and E[W] = 0

he_orthogonal_init(→ torch.Tensor)

Generate a weight matrix with variance according to He (Kaiming) initialization.

grid_init(→ torch.Tensor)

Generate a weight matrix so that each input value corresponds to one value on a regular grid between start and end.

log_grid_init(→ torch.Tensor)

Generate a weight matrix so that each input value corresponds to one value on a regular logarithmic grid between 10^start and 10^end.

get_initializer(name, **init_kwargs)

Module Contents#


Makes sure that N*Var(W) = 1 and E[W] = 0

core.models.gemnet_oc.initializers.he_orthogonal_init(tensor: torch.Tensor) torch.Tensor#

Generate a weight matrix with variance according to He (Kaiming) initialization. Based on a random (semi-)orthogonal matrix neural networks are expected to learn better when features are decorrelated (stated by eg. “Reducing overfitting in deep networks by decorrelating representations”, “Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting”, “Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks”)

core.models.gemnet_oc.initializers.grid_init(tensor: torch.Tensor, start: int = -1, end: int = 1) torch.Tensor#

Generate a weight matrix so that each input value corresponds to one value on a regular grid between start and end.

core.models.gemnet_oc.initializers.log_grid_init(tensor: torch.Tensor, start: int = -4, end: int = 0) torch.Tensor#

Generate a weight matrix so that each input value corresponds to one value on a regular logarithmic grid between 10^start and 10^end.

core.models.gemnet_oc.initializers.get_initializer(name, **init_kwargs)#