

Copyright (c) Meta, Inc. and its affiliates. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.


get_triplets(graph, num_atoms)

Get all input edges b->a for each output edge c->a.

get_mixed_triplets(graph_in, graph_out, num_atoms[, ...])

Get all output edges (ingoing or outgoing) for each incoming edge.

get_quadruplets(main_graph, qint_graph, num_atoms)

Get all d->b for each edge c->a and connection b->a

Module Contents#

core.models.gemnet_oc.interaction_indices.get_triplets(graph, num_atoms: int)#

Get all input edges b->a for each output edge c->a. It is possible that b=c, as long as the edges are distinct (i.e. atoms b and c stem from different unit cells).

  • graph (dict of torch.Tensor) – Contains the graph’s edge_index.

  • num_atoms (int) – Total number of atoms.


in: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices of input edge b->a of each triplet b->a<-c

out: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices of output edge c->a of each triplet b->a<-c

out_agg: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices enumerating the intermediate edges of each output edge. Used for creating a padded matrix and aggregating via matmul.

Return type:

Dictionary containing the entries

core.models.gemnet_oc.interaction_indices.get_mixed_triplets(graph_in, graph_out, num_atoms, to_outedge=False, return_adj=False, return_agg_idx=False)#

Get all output edges (ingoing or outgoing) for each incoming edge. It is possible that in atom=out atom, as long as the edges are distinct (i.e. they stem from different unit cells). In edges and out edges stem from separate graphs (hence “mixed”) with shared atoms.

  • graph_in (dict of torch.Tensor) – Contains the input graph’s edge_index and cell_offset.

  • graph_out (dict of torch.Tensor) – Contains the output graph’s edge_index and cell_offset. Input and output graphs use the same atoms, but different edges.

  • num_atoms (int) – Total number of atoms.

  • to_outedge (bool) – Whether to map the output to the atom’s outgoing edges a->c instead of the ingoing edges c->a.

  • return_adj (bool) – Whether to output the adjacency (incidence) matrix between output edges and atoms adj_edges.

  • return_agg_idx (bool) – Whether to output the indices enumerating the intermediate edges of each output edge.


in: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices of input edges

out: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices of output edges

adj_edges: SparseTensor, shape (num_edges, num_atoms)

Adjacency (incidence) matrix between output edges and atoms, with values specifying the input edges. Only returned if return_adj is True.

out_agg: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices enumerating the intermediate edges of each output edge. Used for creating a padded matrix and aggregating via matmul. Only returned if return_agg_idx is True.

Return type:

Dictionary containing the entries

core.models.gemnet_oc.interaction_indices.get_quadruplets(main_graph, qint_graph, num_atoms)#

Get all d->b for each edge c->a and connection b->a Careful about periodic images! Separate interaction cutoff not supported.

  • main_graph (dict of torch.Tensor) – Contains the main graph’s edge_index and cell_offset. The main graph defines which edges are embedded.

  • qint_graph (dict of torch.Tensor) – Contains the quadruplet interaction graph’s edge_index and cell_offset. main_graph and qint_graph use the same atoms, but different edges.

  • num_atoms (int) – Total number of atoms.


triplet_in[‘in’]: torch.Tensor, shape (nTriplets,)

Indices of input edge d->b in triplet d->b->a.

triplet_in[‘out’]: torch.Tensor, shape (nTriplets,)

Interaction indices of output edge b->a in triplet d->b->a.

triplet_out[‘in’]: torch.Tensor, shape (nTriplets,)

Interaction indices of input edge b->a in triplet c->a<-b.

triplet_out[‘out’]: torch.Tensor, shape (nTriplets,)

Indices of output edge c->a in triplet c->a<-b.

out: torch.Tensor, shape (nQuadruplets,)

Indices of output edge c->a in quadruplet

trip_in_to_quad: torch.Tensor, shape (nQuadruplets,)

Indices to map from input triplet d->b->a to quadruplet d->b->a<-c.

trip_out_to_quad: torch.Tensor, shape (nQuadruplets,)

Indices to map from output triplet c->a<-b to quadruplet d->b->a<-c.

out_agg: torch.Tensor, shape (num_triplets,)

Indices enumerating the intermediate edges of each output edge. Used for creating a padded matrix and aggregating via matmul.

Return type:

Dictionary containing the entries