

get_default_profiler_handler(run_id, output_dir, logger)

Get a standard callback handle for the pytorch profiler

get_profile_schedule([wait, warmup, active])

Get a profile schedule and total number of steps to run

Module Contents#

core.common.profiler_utils.get_default_profiler_handler(run_id: str, output_dir: str, logger: fairchem.core.common.logger.Logger)#

Get a standard callback handle for the pytorch profiler

core.common.profiler_utils.get_profile_schedule(wait: int = 5, warmup: int = 5, active: int = 2)#

Get a profile schedule and total number of steps to run check pytorch docs on the meaning of these paramters: Example usage: ``` trace_handler = get_default_profiler_handler(run_id = self.config[“cmd”][“timestamp_id”],

output_dir = self.config[“cmd”][“results_dir”], logger = self.logger)

profile_schedule, total_profile_steps = get_profile_schedule()

with profile(

activities=[ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], schedule=profile_schedule, on_trace_ready=trace_handler

) as p:
for i in steps:

<code block to profile> if i < total_profile_steps:
