This Dataset connects to an ASE Database, allowing the storage of atoms objects |
This Dataset uses to load data from a directory on disk. |
This Dataset can read multiple structures from each file using |
Base class for all databases. |
Base Dataset class for all OCP datasets. |
Create a dataset from a config dictionary |
Package Contents#
- class core.datasets.AseDBDataset(config: dict, atoms_transform: Callable[[ase.Atoms, Any, Ellipsis], ase.Atoms] = apply_one_tags)#
This Dataset connects to an ASE Database, allowing the storage of atoms objects with a variety of backends including JSON, SQLite, and database server options.
For more information, see:
- Parameters:
config (dict) –
- src (str): Either
the path an ASE DB,
the connection address of an ASE DB,
a folder with multiple ASE DBs,
a list of folders with ASE DBs
a glob string to use to find ASE DBs, or
a list of ASE db paths/addresses.
If a folder, every file will be attempted as an ASE DB, and warnings are raised for any files that can’t connect cleanly
Note that for large datasets, ID loading can be slow and there can be many ids, so it’s advised to make loading the id list as easy as possible. There is not an obvious way to get a full list of ids from most ASE dbs besides simply looping through the entire dataset. See the AseLMDBDataset which was written with this usecase in mind.
connect_args (dict): Keyword arguments for ase.db.connect()
- select_args (dict): Keyword arguments for
You can use this to query/filter your database
- a2g_args (dict): Keyword arguments for fairchem.core.preprocessing.AtomsToGraphs()
default options will work for most users
If you are using this for a training dataset, set “r_energy”:True, “r_forces”:True, and/or “r_stress”:True as appropriate In that case, energy/forces must be in the database
- keep_in_memory (bool): Store data in memory. This helps avoid random reads if you need
to iterate over a dataset many times (e.g. training for many epochs). Not recommended for large datasets.
atoms_transform_args (dict): Additional keyword arguments for the atoms_transform callable
- transforms (dict[str, dict]): Dictionary specifying data transforms as {transform_function: config}
where config is a dictionary specifying arguments to the transform_function
- key_mapping (dict[str, str]): Dictionary specifying a mapping between the name of a property used
in the model with the corresponding property as it was named in the dataset. Only need to use if the name is different.
atoms_transform (callable, optional) – Additional preprocessing function applied to the Atoms object. Useful for applying tags, for example.
transform (callable, optional) – deprecated?
- _load_dataset_get_ids(config: dict) list[int] #
- get_atoms(idx: int) ase.Atoms #
Get atoms object corresponding to datapoint idx. Useful to read other properties not in data object. :param idx: index in dataset :type idx: int
- Returns:
ASE atoms corresponding to datapoint idx
- Return type:
- static connect_db(address: str | pathlib.Path, connect_args: dict | None = None) ase.db.core.Database #
- __del__()#
- sample_property_metadata(num_samples: int = 100) dict #
- class core.datasets.AseReadDataset(config: dict, atoms_transform: Callable[[ase.Atoms, Any, Ellipsis], ase.Atoms] = apply_one_tags)#
This Dataset uses to load data from a directory on disk. This is intended for small-scale testing and demonstrations of OCP. Larger datasets are better served by the efficiency of other dataset types such as LMDB.
For a full list of ASE-readable filetypes, see
- Parameters:
config (dict) –
src (str): The source folder that contains your ASE-readable files
- pattern (str): Filepath matching each file you want to read
ex. “/POSCAR”, “.cif”, “.xyz” search recursively with two wildcards: “*/POSCAR” or “**/*.cif”
- a2g_args (dict): Keyword arguments for fairchem.core.preprocessing.AtomsToGraphs()
default options will work for most users
If you are using this for a training dataset, set “r_energy”:True, “r_forces”:True, and/or “r_stress”:True as appropriate In that case, energy/forces must be in the files you read (ex. OUTCAR)
ase_read_args (dict): Keyword arguments for
- keep_in_memory (bool): Store data in memory. This helps avoid random reads if you need
to iterate over a dataset many times (e.g. training for many epochs). Not recommended for large datasets.
- include_relaxed_energy (bool): Include the relaxed energy in the resulting data object.
The relaxed structure is assumed to be the final structure in the file (e.g. the last frame of a .traj).
atoms_transform_args (dict): Additional keyword arguments for the atoms_transform callable
transform_args (dict): Additional keyword arguments for the transform callable
- key_mapping (dict[str, str]): Dictionary specifying a mapping between the name of a property used
in the model with the corresponding property as it was named in the dataset. Only need to use if the name is different.
atoms_transform (callable, optional) – Additional preprocessing function applied to the Atoms object. Useful for applying tags, for example.
- _load_dataset_get_ids(config) list[pathlib.Path] #
- get_atoms(idx: str | int) ase.Atoms #
- get_relaxed_energy(identifier) float #
- class core.datasets.AseReadMultiStructureDataset(config: dict, atoms_transform: Callable[[ase.Atoms, Any, Ellipsis], ase.Atoms] = apply_one_tags)#
This Dataset can read multiple structures from each file using The disadvantage is that all files must be read at startup. This is a significant cost for large datasets.
This is intended for small-scale testing and demonstrations of OCP. Larger datasets are better served by the efficiency of other dataset types such as LMDB.
For a full list of ASE-readable filetypes, see
- Parameters:
config (dict) –
src (str): The source folder that contains your ASE-readable files
- pattern (str): Filepath matching each file you want to read
ex. “.traj”, “.xyz” search recursively with two wildcards: “/POSCAR” or “/*.cif”
- index_file (str): Filepath to an indexing file, which contains each filename
and the number of structures contained in each file. For instance:
/path/to/relaxation1.traj 200 /path/to/relaxation2.traj 150
This will overrule the src and pattern that you specify!
- a2g_args (dict): Keyword arguments for fairchem.core.preprocessing.AtomsToGraphs()
default options will work for most users
If you are using this for a training dataset, set “r_energy”:True, “r_forces”:True, and/or “r_stress”:True as appropriate In that case, energy/forces must be in the files you read (ex. OUTCAR)
ase_read_args (dict): Keyword arguments for
- keep_in_memory (bool): Store data in memory. This helps avoid random reads if you need
to iterate over a dataset many times (e.g. training for many epochs). Not recommended for large datasets.
- include_relaxed_energy (bool): Include the relaxed energy in the resulting data object.
The relaxed structure is assumed to be the final structure in the file (e.g. the last frame of a .traj).
use_tqdm (bool): Use TQDM progress bar when initializing dataset
atoms_transform_args (dict): Additional keyword arguments for the atoms_transform callable
transform_args (dict): Additional keyword arguments for the transform callable
- key_mapping (dict[str, str]): Dictionary specifying a mapping between the name of a property used
in the model with the corresponding property as it was named in the dataset. Only need to use if the name is different.
atoms_transform (callable, optional) – Additional preprocessing function applied to the Atoms object. Useful for applying tags, for example.
transform (callable, optional) – Additional preprocessing function for the Data object
- _load_dataset_get_ids(config) list[str] #
- get_atoms(idx: str) ase.Atoms #
- sample_property_metadata(num_samples: int = 100) dict #
- get_relaxed_energy(identifier) float #
- core.datasets.create_dataset(config: dict[str, Any], split: str) Subset #
Create a dataset from a config dictionary
- Parameters:
config (dict) – dataset config dictionary
split (str) – name of split
- Returns:
dataset subset class
- Return type:
- class core.datasets.LMDBDatabase(filename: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, create_indices: bool = True, use_lock_file: bool = False, serial: bool = False, readonly: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)#
Base class for all databases.
- readonly#
- ids = []#
- deleted_ids = []#
- __enter__() typing_extensions.Self #
- __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, tb) None #
- close() None #
- _write(atoms: ase.Atoms | ase.db.row.AtomsRow, key_value_pairs: dict, data: dict | None, idx: int | None = None) None #
- _update(idx: int, key_value_pairs: dict | None = None, data: dict | None = None)#
- _write_deleted_ids()#
- delete(ids: list[int]) None #
Delete rows.
- _get_row(idx: int, include_data: bool = True)#
- _get_row_by_index(index: int, include_data: bool = True)#
Auxiliary function to get the ith entry, rather than a specific id
- _select(keys, cmps: list[tuple[str, str, str]], explain: bool = False, verbosity: int = 0, limit: int | None = None, offset: int = 0, sort: str | None = None, include_data: bool = True, columns: str = 'all')#
- property metadata#
Load the metadata from the DB if present
- property _nextid#
Get the id of the next row to be written
- count(selection=None, **kwargs) int #
Count rows.
See the select() method for the selection syntax. Use db.count() or len(db) to count all rows.
- _load_ids() None #
Load ids from the DB
Since ASE db ids are mostly 1-N integers, but can be missing entries if ids have been deleted. To save space and operating under the assumption that there will probably not be many deletions in most OCP datasets, we just store the deleted ids.
- class core.datasets.LmdbDataset(config)#
Base Dataset class for all OCP datasets.
- sharded: bool#
Dataset class to load from LMDB files containing relaxation trajectories or single point computations. Useful for Structure to Energy & Force (S2EF), Initial State to Relaxed State (IS2RS), and Initial State to Relaxed Energy (IS2RE) tasks. The keys in the LMDB must be integers (stored as ascii objects) starting from 0 through the length of the LMDB. For historical reasons any key named “length” is ignored since that was used to infer length of many lmdbs in the same folder, but lmdb lengths are now calculated directly from the number of keys. :param config: Dataset configuration :type config: dict
- path#
- key_mapping#
- transforms#
- __getitem__(idx: int) T_co #
- connect_db(lmdb_path: pathlib.Path | None = None) lmdb.Environment #
- __del__()#
- core.datasets.data_list_collater(data_list: list[], otf_graph: bool = False, to_dict: bool = False) | dict[str, torch.Tensor] #