


Exception raised any time there is an error while making an API call.


Exception raised when an API call is rejected for a reason that will


Exception raised when an API call is rejected because a rate limit has



Exposes each route in the OCP API as a method.

Module Contents#

exception ocpapi.client.client.RequestException(method: str, url: str, cause: str)#

Bases: Exception

Exception raised any time there is an error while making an API call.

exception ocpapi.client.client.NonRetryableRequestException(method: str, url: str, cause: str)#

Bases: RequestException

Exception raised when an API call is rejected for a reason that will not succeed on retry. For example, this might include a malformed request or action that is not allowed.

exception ocpapi.client.client.RateLimitExceededException(method: str, url: str, retry_after: datetime.timedelta | None = None)#

Bases: RequestException

Exception raised when an API call is rejected because a rate limit has been exceeded.


If known, the time to wait before the next attempt to call the API should be made.

retry_after: datetime.timedelta | None#
class ocpapi.client.client.Client(host: str = 'open-catalyst-api.metademolab.com', scheme: str = 'https')#

Exposes each route in the OCP API as a method.

property host: str#

The host being called by this client.

async get_models() ocpapi.client.models.Models#

Fetch the list of models that are supported in the API.


The models that are supported in the API.

async get_bulks() ocpapi.client.models.Bulks#

Fetch the list of bulk materials that are supported in the API.


The bulks that are supported throughout the API.

async get_adsorbates() ocpapi.client.models.Adsorbates#

Fetch the list of adsorbates that are supported in the API.


The adsorbates that are supported throughout the API.

async get_slabs(bulk: str | ocpapi.client.models.Bulk) ocpapi.client.models.Slabs#

Get a unique list of slabs for the input bulk structure.


bulk – If a string, the id of the bulk to use. Otherwise the Bulk instance to use.


Slabs for each of the unique surfaces of the material.

async get_adsorbate_slab_configs(adsorbate: str, slab: ocpapi.client.models.Slab) ocpapi.client.models.AdsorbateSlabConfigs#

Get a list of possible binding sites for the input adsorbate on the input slab.

  • adsorbate – Description of the the adsorbate to place.

  • slab – Information about the slab on which the adsorbate should be placed.


Configurations for each adsorbate binding site on the slab.

async submit_adsorbate_slab_relaxations(adsorbate: str, adsorbate_configs: list[ocpapi.client.models.Atoms], bulk: ocpapi.client.models.Bulk, slab: ocpapi.client.models.Slab, model: str, ephemeral: bool = False) ocpapi.client.models.AdsorbateSlabRelaxationsSystem#

Starts relaxations of the input adsorbate configurations on the input slab using energies and forces returned by the input model. Relaxations are run asynchronously and results can be fetched using the system id that is returned from this method.

  • adsorbate – Description of the adsorbate being simulated.

  • adsorbate_configs – List of adsorbate configurations to relax. This should only include the adsorbates themselves; the surface is defined in the “slab” field that is a peer to this one.

  • bulk – Details of the bulk material being simulated.

  • slab – The structure of the slab on which adsorbates are placed.

  • model – The model that will be used to evaluate energies and forces during relaxations.

  • ephemeral – If False (default), any later attempt to delete the generated relaxations will be rejected. If True, deleting the relaxations will be allowed, which is generally useful for testing when there is no reason for results to be persisted.


IDs of the relaxations.

async get_adsorbate_slab_relaxations_request(system_id: str) ocpapi.client.models.AdsorbateSlabRelaxationsRequest#

Fetches the original relaxations request for the input system.


system_id – The ID of the system to fetch.


The original request that was made when submitting relaxations.

async get_adsorbate_slab_relaxations_results(system_id: str, config_ids: list[int] | None = None, fields: list[str] | None = None) ocpapi.client.models.AdsorbateSlabRelaxationsResults#

Fetches relaxation results for the input system.

  • system_id – The system id of the relaxations.

  • config_ids – If defined and not empty, a subset of configurations to fetch. Otherwise all configurations are returned.

  • fields – If defined and not empty, a subset of fields in each configuration to fetch. Otherwise all fields are returned.


The relaxation results for each configuration in the system.

async delete_adsorbate_slab_relaxations(system_id: str) None#

Deletes all relaxation results for the input system.


system_id – The ID of the system to delete.

async _run_request(path: str, method: str, **kwargs) str#

Helper method that runs the input request on a thread so that it doesn’t block the event loop on the calling thread.

  • path – The URL path to make the request against.

  • method – The HTTP method to use (GET, POST, etc.).


The response body from the request as a string.