
Copyright (c) Meta, Inc. and its affiliates. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.



Multiple concatenated ranges.

repeat_blocks(→ torch.Tensor)

Repeat blocks of indices.


calculate_interatomic_vectors(R, id_s, id_t, offsets_st)

Calculate the vectors connecting the given atom pairs,

inner_product_clamped(→ torch.Tensor)

Calculate the inner product between the given normalized vectors,

get_angle(→ torch.Tensor)

Calculate angles between atoms c -> a <- b.

vector_rejection(R_ab, P_n)

Project the vector R_ab onto a plane with normal vector P_n.

get_projected_angle(→ torch.Tensor)

Project the vector R_ab onto a plane with normal vector P_n,

mask_neighbors(neighbors, edge_mask)

get_neighbor_order(→ torch.Tensor)

Give a mask that filters out edges so that each atom has at most

get_inner_idx(idx, dim_size)

Assign an inner index to each element (neighbor) with the same index.

get_edge_id(edge_idx, cell_offsets, num_atoms)

Module Contents#


Multiple concatenated ranges.


sizes = [1 4 2 3] Return: [0 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 1 2]

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.repeat_blocks(sizes, repeats, continuous_indexing: bool = True, start_idx: int = 0, block_inc: int = 0, repeat_inc: int = 0) torch.Tensor#

Repeat blocks of indices. Adapted from

continuous_indexing: Whether to keep increasing the index after each block start_idx: Starting index block_inc: Number to increment by after each block,

either global or per block. Shape: len(sizes) - 1

repeat_inc: Number to increment by after each repetition,

either global or per block


sizes = [1,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = False Return: [0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1] sizes = [1,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = True Return: [0 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5] sizes = [1,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = True ; repeat_inc = 4 Return: [0 4 8 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 8 9 12 13] sizes = [1,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = True ; start_idx = 5 Return: [5 5 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 10] sizes = [1,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = True ; block_inc = 1 Return: [0 0 0 2 3 4 2 3 4 6 7 6 7 6 7] sizes = [0,3,2] ; repeats = [3,2,3] ; continuous_indexing = True Return: [0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4] sizes = [2,3,2] ; repeats = [2,0,2] ; continuous_indexing = True Return: [0 1 0 1 5 6 5 6]

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.masked_select_sparsetensor_flat(src, mask) torch_sparse.SparseTensor#
core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.calculate_interatomic_vectors(R, id_s, id_t, offsets_st)#

Calculate the vectors connecting the given atom pairs, considering offsets from periodic boundary conditions (PBC).

  • R (Tensor, shape = (nAtoms, 3)) – Atom positions.

  • id_s (Tensor, shape = (nEdges,)) – Indices of the source atom of the edges.

  • id_t (Tensor, shape = (nEdges,)) – Indices of the target atom of the edges.

  • offsets_st (Tensor, shape = (nEdges,)) – PBC offsets of the edges. Subtract this from the correct direction.


(D_st, V_st)

D_st: Tensor, shape = (nEdges,)

Distance from atom t to s.

V_st: Tensor, shape = (nEdges,)

Unit direction from atom t to s.

Return type:


core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.inner_product_clamped(x, y) torch.Tensor#

Calculate the inner product between the given normalized vectors, giving a result between -1 and 1.

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.get_angle(R_ac, R_ab) torch.Tensor#

Calculate angles between atoms c -> a <- b.

  • R_ac (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Vector from atom a to c.

  • R_ab (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Vector from atom a to b.


angle_cab – Angle between atoms c <- a -> b.

Return type:

Tensor, shape = (N,)

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.vector_rejection(R_ab, P_n)#

Project the vector R_ab onto a plane with normal vector P_n.

  • R_ab (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Vector from atom a to b.

  • P_n (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Normal vector of a plane onto which to project R_ab.


R_ab_proj – Projected vector (orthogonal to P_n).

Return type:

Tensor, shape = (N, 3)

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.get_projected_angle(R_ab, P_n, eps: float = 0.0001) torch.Tensor#

Project the vector R_ab onto a plane with normal vector P_n, then calculate the angle w.r.t. the (x [cross] P_n), or (y [cross] P_n) if the former would be ill-defined/numerically unstable.

  • R_ab (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Vector from atom a to b.

  • P_n (Tensor, shape = (N, 3)) – Normal vector of a plane onto which to project R_ab.

  • eps (float) – Norm of projection below which to use the y-axis instead of x.


angle_ab – Angle on plane w.r.t. x- or y-axis.

Return type:

Tensor, shape = (N)

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.mask_neighbors(neighbors, edge_mask)#
core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.get_neighbor_order(num_atoms: int, index, atom_distance) torch.Tensor#

Give a mask that filters out edges so that each atom has at most max_num_neighbors_threshold neighbors.

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.get_inner_idx(idx, dim_size)#

Assign an inner index to each element (neighbor) with the same index. For example, with idx=[0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2] this returns [0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 1]. These indices allow reshape neighbor indices into a dense matrix. idx has to be sorted for this to work.

core.models.gemnet_oc.utils.get_edge_id(edge_idx, cell_offsets, num_atoms: int)#