
AdsorbML evaluation script. This script expects the results-file to be organized in a very specific structure in order to evaluate successfully.

Results are to be saved out in a dictionary pickle file, where keys are the system_id and the values are energies and compute information for a specified config_id. For each config_id that successfully passes the physical constraints defined in the manuscript, the following information must be provided:

ml_energy: The ML predicted adsorption energy on that particular config_id.

ml+dft_energy: The DFT adsorption energy (SP or RX) as evaluated on the predicted ML config_id structure. Do note use raw DFT energies, ensure these are referenced correctly. None if not available.

scf_steps: Total number of SCF steps involved in determining the DFT adsorption energy on the predicted ML config_id. For relaxation methods (ML+RX), sum all SCF steps across all frames. 0 if not available.

ionic_steps: Total number of ionic steps in determining the DFT adsorption energy on the predicted ML config_id. This will be 1 for single-point methods (ML+SP). 0 if not available.

NOTE - It is possible that due to the required filtering of physical constraints, no configurations are valid for a particular system_id. In this case the system or config id can be excluded entirely from the results file and will be treated as a failure point at evaluation time.

“rand11”: {

“ml_energy”: -1.234, “ml+dft_energy”: -1.456, “scf_steps”: 33, “ionic_steps”: 1,

}, “rand5”: {

“ml_energy”: -2.489, “ml+dft_energy”: -2.109, “scf_steps”: 16, “ionic_steps”: 1,

}, . . .


“7_6566_62” :
“rand79”: {

“ml_energy”: -1.234, “ml+dft_energy”: -1.456, “scf_steps”: 33, “ionic_steps”: 1,

}, . . .






is_successful(best_ml_dft_energy, best_dft_energy)

Computes the success rate given the best ML+DFT energy and the best ground

compute_hybrid_success(ml_data, dft_data, k)

Computes AdsorbML success rates at varying top-k values.

compute_valid_ml_success(ml_data, dft_data)

Computes validated ML success rates.


Organizes the released target mapping for evaluation lookup.


Calculates the total DFT compute associated with establishing a ground

filter_ml_data(ml_data, dft_data)

For ML systems in which no configurations made it through the physical

Module Contents#

adsorbml.scripts.dense_eval.SUCCESS_THRESHOLD = 0.1#
adsorbml.scripts.dense_eval.is_successful(best_ml_dft_energy, best_dft_energy)#

Computes the success rate given the best ML+DFT energy and the best ground truth DFT energy.

success_parity: The standard definition for success, where ML needs to be within the SUCCESS_THRESHOLD, or lower, of the DFT energy.

success_much_better: A system in which the ML energy is predicted to be much lower (less than the SUCCESS_THRESHOLD) of the DFT energy.

adsorbml.scripts.dense_eval.compute_hybrid_success(ml_data, dft_data, k)#

Computes AdsorbML success rates at varying top-k values. Here, results are generated for the hybrid method, where the top-k ML energies are used to to run DFT on the corresponding ML structures. The resulting energies are then compared to the ground truth DFT energies.

Return success rates and DFT compute usage at varying k.

adsorbml.scripts.dense_eval.compute_valid_ml_success(ml_data, dft_data)#

Computes validated ML success rates. Here, results are generated only from ML. DFT single-points are used to validate whether the ML energy is within 0.1eV of the DFT energy of the predicted structure. If valid, the ML energy is compared to the ground truth DFT energy, otherwise it is discarded.

Return validated ML success rates.


Organizes the released target mapping for evaluation lookup.


[‘system_id 1’: [(‘config_id 1’, dft_adsorption_energy), (‘config_id 2’, dft_adsorption_energy)], `system_id 2]

Returns: Dict:

‘system_id 1’: {‘config_id 1’: dft_ads_energy, ‘config_id 2’: dft_ads_energy}, ‘system_id 2’: {‘config_id 1’: dft_ads_energy, ‘config_id 2’: dft_ads_energy}, …



Calculates the total DFT compute associated with establishing a ground truth using the released DFT timings: oc20dense_compute.pkl.

Compute is measured in the total number of self-consistent steps (SC). The total number of ionic steps is also included for reference.

adsorbml.scripts.dense_eval.filter_ml_data(ml_data, dft_data)#

For ML systems in which no configurations made it through the physical constraint checks, set energies to an arbitrarily high value to ensure a failure case in evaluation.
